lördag 21 maj 2011

no headline

Lucas is engaged to Lindsay and at their wedding she kinda left him and Jamie went missing, he was kidnapped by Nanny Carrie. I was in a really weird position since everyone thought I was after Luke when Lindsay left but I helped him while he got himself drunk and then he said he hated me etc etc... then he called me and said that he didn't mean it and later on he like calls me totally out of the blue and asks me if I wanted to come with him to Vegas to get married?! I was like what?? So I went with him and then when we got back he got an unexpected call, his friend who is/was a student died so we went to the funeral then a few days later I find out that Brooke was attacked in her store, shocking! And I found out that I was pregnant ;) yay. Sam ran away with her friend Jack I think that's his name and his brother was the one who killed Q AND the one who attacked Brooke. But Brooke and Julian are like really close right now and things like that... But I guess that's all I can say because my fingers are getting really tired from all this typing. Puh... but I don't have any pictures right now, they'll come later I hope.

been a while

yo guys! sorry for the lowsy update ;( I just haven't had any time to blog and I sometimes forgot to blog! so I apologize for that but I promise you that I will blog twice as much today! sttarting now!

söndag 3 april 2011

New design

So what do you think of my new design? ;) I kinda like it!

New label

I have my own record label now! Red Bedroom Records, I signed an incredibly talented girl named Mia Catalano, you should put her name in your memory she will be big! Lucas helped me with it anyway his new girlfriend Lindsay came over and gave me a supposed to be a lucky bamboo? So... Brooke has her own clothing line, Clothes Over Bros! So cool, huh? ;) And once again I live with Brooke!! So much fuun. Oh and Nathan had a injury so he's in a wheelchair right now and he's really creepy, seriously you should see him! Lucas actually proposed to me back in L.A and I said no and he is the reason why I came back to Tree Hill, I came back for him and seeing him with another girl kills me, I'm so heartbroken. Anyways here are some photos:

Brooke's store!


At the label ;)

I love this house..

4 years, 6 months, 2 days

Hey guys!! The reason why I haven't been online is that ALOT of things happened in my life and I've been really busy with family and all so I apoligize for that. But here's a quick recap: I found out that I have a brother and me and Lucas started to get really close ;) As friends though. I helped him steal a birthday gift for Brooke -.- So this "Derek" was actually a psycho etc.. Lucas doubted on him and I didn't believe him (which I should have) and Derek attacked me and that same night I met my REAL brother Derek. Crazy. So I've lived in fear these past months and that's not good but the good thing is that on prom night me and Brooke made up after we got attacked by psycho Derek (again). We're scared to death right now so we live together in Naley old apartment ;) We also had a little roadtrip to Honeygrove in Texas where Mouth was.. and ended up crashing a prom there since we didn't go to our own. And guess what? I've graduated from high school, yay!! ;) Haley also had her baby, James Lucas Scott, or what we call him, Jamie ;) It's been 4 years 6 months and 2 days since we all were gathered at the Rivercourt. It feels like it was yesterday. But that's one of the reasons why I haven't been able to blog, I've been busy with work and Lucas and all. Btw, Lucas and I are over so yeah that was it! I'm gonna fix my blog design too! I feel like I need a change...

lördag 22 januari 2011


Hey guys! Thought I'd upload a video of me to help you guys understand what I've gone through ;) enjoy!

söndag 16 januari 2011

Trouble with connection

OK! Before you complain and argue w/ me let me say this, I had some problems with the internet, it wouldn't work with me ;( So let me tell you about everything that went on in the show we did for Naley.... It was a complete mess! I did a scene with Lucas, and I started crying (don't ask why). Later on I told Brooke that I had feelings for Lucas so now she moved out of my room and this time it's serious, I just know it. This would probably be the biggest fight we've ever had. But enough about that (for now), let's talk wedding shall we?! The wedding went fine until Rachel got drunk because of Cooper (Nate's uncle) and she stole their limo (Naley's) and she crashed it etc etc... So Nathan,Rachel and Cooper ended up in the hospital but they're fine now but here's some pics!

I told Brooke about my feelings for Lucas...

Yeah I cried. But she slapped me! That bitch...

At the Naley wedding

Burned old memories..


See you in a few days maybe,

söndag 2 januari 2011

Jake and I - Over.

Hey guys,

So I went to the park with Jake and Jenny then later we dropped her off to Jake's parents house, so me and Jake took a walk and talked. So later when we got back home we kinda talked about stuff and I suggested that we should get married. Yeah, that was a stupid idea. He told me to leave and go back to Tree Hill, that broke my heart. Apparently I said "Lucas" while sleeping so he thinks I still have fellings for him. But enough about that.   My car broke down so I called Nathan but he couldn't fix it so we had to call someone else. Who turned out to be a guy who was in the tutoring room while the school shooting. Interesting. Tonight we're putting up a show for Haley and Nathan who's getting re-married, I'm actually here at Tric right now, helping Brooke out. So I'll keep you guys updated. Later.

I thought about going to college here so I could be near Jake.

On the road.

Hales came too,

lördag 1 januari 2011

Back home.

We've arrived home now. I'm sure everyone had a good time, I know I did. And I'm so happy Pete came, it made it all so much better ;) Oh something I forgot to say, while we were sitting by the fire chit chattin' Rachel decided to say something inappropiate. She cought Brooke "brooking" herself. Surprise? No. Hahah ;) But me and Pete are done. It didn't work out because he's on tour all the time. But I saw Jake! He's back and I'm so happy for it! I missed him and Jenny so much. Well I'm gonna hang out with him a little so I'll update later. Here's some pictures to keep you away ;)

 When we were.

Jake and little Jenny ;)

I'm actually in Savannah right now with Jake and Jenny.