måndag 19 augusti 2013


Hello blog!

This time I am blogging on my laptop instead of my phone. Feels better and more realistic.

Anyways, to the headline, I'm thinking about writing a book.. I've wanted to write one for a very long time now and after reading Fifty Shades, I decided. I'm not going to start on it now though, I'll wait until I have a more proper laptop to write on because the one I currently have is just a big mess.

But tomorrow is the first day back to school and I'm stressed as hell. School only means homework, assignments, presentations.. all of which I absolutely hate.

I'm putting myself at peace in my bedroom right now, listening to my playlist of favorite songs so by tomorrow, I hope I'm at peace with my mind and self. But it is hard to concentrate on my music when my neighbour upstairs decides to also put on music, full volume. The worst part is his music, it is so horrible I actually feel like my ears are about to fall off.

But now, I'm going to redecorate my blog.

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