onsdag 23 maj 2012

Oh design..

So I finally found a decent picture for my design. I picked the one from our prom.... lol. Also ignore the fact that Chris Keller is in it. But it's memories, right? Not like he's a part of our lives anymore. In fact, I don't think anyone knows where he is. Maybe he's causing trouble in all states. Well, who knows. At least he's out of our lives. Good while it lasted... not really. Besides, it's not like this picture is gonna stay up there for a long time. It's sort of only temporary until I fix all of my photos and make a collage instead. I need more time since I don't really spend much on it... I mostly just surf the web and listen to music. But enough about that. I'm with Luke right now and he's ruining my bed cuz I'm here, blogging. I better finish this now. I write a lot lately. I need to cut down a bit. I better go now, duty calls! Or more like, Scott calls. See ya!

Well ain't you a bit grumpy, Scott? 

Sorry... AGAIN.

I know, I know. I haven't been so active lately BUT there is an explanation for that.. Well, I've been busy with my life (yes I have one) and so many things has happened to me and I just couldn't even think about blogging. I'm still running Red Bedroom Records, along with Haley. It's been a few rough years but I survived, yay. I also had a twitter but I forgot the username and password for it or maybe I just deleted it... Either way, I don't know and I got a new twitter. It's going pretty slow. Not so many followers.. hah! But I'm working it. I tweet pointless stuff but it's keeping me busy at least. I think you're gonna have to put up with a dry, boring blog with no pictures what so ever because I'm a bit late on pictures so I don't really have any, nor have I taken any. My apologies.. But things are going pretty good with me and Lucas and I'm actually very happy about that. You guys know me.. and you know I love Lucas a lot. He's probably gonna read this cause he's this creepy, horny stalker. Yes I said it. Oh wow this was long. I have to fix the design now so laterz!

söndag 20 maj 2012

Music oh music...

Thank god for my awesome playlist! Cleaned up my room earlier today and found my old ipod which had some pretty good songs. Bless. I've also been setting up new tracks on my newest playlist, not so bad. Just wish that music were the same as before... what is all this crap with Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj etc?? That's not real music. If only kids these days would realize that. Oh well, not much I can do! But believe me, I've tried.

Also missing my good ol' pal, Haley! Love you.

lördag 19 maj 2012


Hey guys. I've had a long long year and couldn't get into my account so I apologize for not updating! I'm sure some people got bored of the fact that I never seemed to post anything... sorry!! That's gonna change cuz I have so much to tell you!! Stay tuned, rascals!