fredag 31 december 2010

Hahah! Poor Haley

Me and Rachel helped Haley to look for her ring. First thing she did was putting it in the bathroom because she had to wash her hands, so I became a plummer for a few seconds and filled a bole with the gross water! Then Haley had to do her own thing and search through it ;) Well she didn't find it so we kept on looking and FINALLY we found it, well Lucas found it. Now we're all just sitting by the fire and drinking hot coco. OH and Pete finally came and surprised everyone in the kitchen so he was cooking some breakfast ;)

 A little argument here.

That was so gross and it smelled!

 Poor Haley doing that for nothing ;)

 Brooke ;)

 Aww, love how he made breakfast.

 Helping with dinner!

3 good friends.


We just arrived to the big mansion of Rachel's and Pete was supposed to come but he hasn't showed up... yet. More update soon, Haley lost her wedding ring haha gotta look for it.

 Us the crew and the house. Big one.

 Packing up the stuff.
 This thing is up at Karen's Café.

onsdag 29 december 2010

School shooting.

So you must have noticed that I haven't been online lately. That's because I got shot at the school shooting, and we lost 2 people. Keith Scott and Jimmy Edwards, R.I.P. The reporters, and the psychologists, and the analysts, and the so-called experts they're gonna try to make sense of this. But they're not gonna be able to. And even is we do make it out of here, we're always gonna carry it with us, it's never gonna be the same. I kissed Lucas that day, I thought I was gonna die so I just went for it and I feel awful because he's my bestfriends boyfriend, I don't wanna hurt Brooke's feelings so I'm just gonna leave it. Besides that kiss didn't even mean anything.. it was just a...kiss. Lucas, you're always saving me. Please let me find a way to save you. I kinda went on a date with Pete from Fall Out Boy ;) And Brooke is moving in to my room! Tomorrow the peeps and I will go on a little roadtrip to Rachel's parents house or something, she kind of invited everyone there so that weird? But... more update on that tomorrow, now I gotta go to bed Brooke is being so bitchy. And FYI she doesn't read my blog so she'll never know...

The days when I was happy

 The days before my life changed by that one shot.

Well well, off to bed. Later.

söndag 19 december 2010

Did I ever mention....

That Me,Brooke&Haley got arrested? No? Well we did, then Lucas came and bailed us out except for Brooke cuz she slept with Chris Keller!

Cheer,dead mom,fake friend..... ?

What's up you guys?! Blogging hasn't really been in my department these last weeks. But there will be pictures and I'll tell you guys what's been goin' on! The cheer competition went a little bit wrong, I ruined it because Rachel made me drunk and she made me end up in Lucas' bed! Stupid bitch... anyways Brooke decided to come to the cheer instead of the fashion show. And the whole cheer competition ended up into a big dance party ;) In your face Rachel! Then the next day we had a little concert at Tric and the band that was playing was Fall Out Boy, they were awesome. And NO Brooke I do NOT have a flirt going on with Pete ;) Oh yeah and someone leaked the time capsule! Brooke's video was all over the school, when she was flashing out her boobs! Tough one Brooke. And when Nathan said that the whole marriage thing is a mistake, Haley saw it and she flipped out on Nate. Poor Nathan. But here's some pics with a little part of my life ;) :

When I was in Lucas' bed.

Bitching at Rachel.

I miss you.

It all went just fine.

Really great until...

I fell and ruined it all. I was hungover.

Some fun dancing!


Mrs. Serious face.

Best Friends Forever!

Sunkist concert!

lördag 11 december 2010

Guess what I just got?

Twitter! Yeah that's right, I'm on twitter now! Follow me:!/PSawyer_Scott and follow Brooke there too!!/BDavis_Baker


It's a cheer competition tonight, I'm really not in the mood for it. But I'll go, for Brooke. Well actually Brooke is  doing a fashion show for her line and I'm so happy for her, so me and Tutor Girl are goin' with her and then we'll be headed to the cheer.

Who knew my subsconsious could be such a bitch?

What's up, guys?! Yeah I know I haven't updated for a while now.... But Ellie is dead. I went to her house with a bunch of Friends with Benefit CD's and I see her lying there on the floor. This sucks, I lose everyone I care about! Why do people ALWAYS have to leave, why? I read a poem once, about a girl who had a crush on a guy that died. She imagined him up in Heaven with all the beautiful angels. And she was jealous. Ellie is gone. I imagine her with the badass angels now, hanging out with them in their black leather jackets, causing trouble. But I'm not jealous. I just miss her. 

I miss you Ellie, mom.