söndag 31 oktober 2010

So much fun at the beach party!! Woho... NOT

Just came back and it was so boring! I just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. And I'm so pissed at Haley! She goes out on tour with Chris Keller (scum bag) and then comes back and exspects everyone to forgive her especially Nathan! God Haley do you think with your ass?! So now they're no longer together and you made that happen Haley so don't expect anyone to feel pitty for you. Brooke moved into their apartment and invited Haley to live with her there. Well it's Halloween and I don't know what I'm gonna dress up as, so see you later! Oh and there will be a photographer at the dance and he will take pictures for the school magazine so I'm gonna steal them and put it up at the blog haha! ;)

Miss Jake ♥

Brooke and I a long time ago.

If only things were like before♥

Crazy BDavis and I! Wow I look like a seriokiller

Mouth took this one ;)

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