måndag 9 augusti 2010

Boy Toy!

I know I know! I haven't been online :( but in the mean time ALOT has been going on! Like the Boy Toy draft and pics are coming later!! And me and Brooke are enemies... yeah and this girl Nikki who is the mother of Jake's daughter Jenny, showes up and is kinda "best friends" with Brooke now. Yeah oh and Lucas&Brooke broke up, and Haley threw a party cuz she and Nathan moved in to a apartment and the cops showed up and haha Nathan wasn't even there so HE got arrested for all the noise and the window that broke... and at the party there was a catfight between me and Nikki, and then she says that she and Lucas were kissing and hooking up?! Nice one Luke really this was just the tip of the iceberg!! Anyways I'll be back later. But here's some pics of the b-toy draft:
 Hottie! :) No offense Haley ;) Auctioning some money!!Nathan. Show off :)Lucas

Woho! Show those muscles off!!

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