måndag 9 augusti 2010

Boy Toy!

I know I know! I haven't been online :( but in the mean time ALOT has been going on! Like the Boy Toy draft and pics are coming later!! And me and Brooke are enemies... yeah and this girl Nikki who is the mother of Jake's daughter Jenny, showes up and is kinda "best friends" with Brooke now. Yeah oh and Lucas&Brooke broke up, and Haley threw a party cuz she and Nathan moved in to a apartment and the cops showed up and haha Nathan wasn't even there so HE got arrested for all the noise and the window that broke... and at the party there was a catfight between me and Nikki, and then she says that she and Lucas were kissing and hooking up?! Nice one Luke really this was just the tip of the iceberg!! Anyways I'll be back later. But here's some pics of the b-toy draft:
 Hottie! :) No offense Haley ;) Auctioning some money!!Nathan. Show off :)Lucas

Woho! Show those muscles off!!

tisdag 3 augusti 2010

Changed planes

So I decided to blog. I came home from the hospital a long time ago and well turns out that Lucas broke his arm, I feel so sorry for him that he can't play basketball, he loves it so much! Get better soon Luke!! Oh and I forgot there's gonna be the BOY TOY draft!! Woho! A bunch of hto guys........P.Sawyer!Oh Lucas I hate that this happened.

Later later...

Just want you to know that I'm not gonna blog later today. BUT I will be back tomorrow.

Car Crash...

Hey you guys, yes I know I haven't been updating lately but Lucas got into a car crash with Keith(he's fine) and he's in the hospital now. I haven't gone to visit him but I think I'll go now. Anyway me and Haley went to the Rivercourt and all of Lucas's friends were there and writing on the ground saying they hope he'll get better... I drew something there too, a heart with a "3" in it cuz that's his jersey number. But I better go to the hospital now, just hope Brooke isn't there.Haley&me at the Rivercourt

söndag 1 augusti 2010

I'm such a bad person!

Ok first of all it wasn't my dad (thank God) but they cut the road so me and Luke had to stay in a hotel for the night and this morning we kinda made out.... and ALMOST slept together. I know! I feel so bad for doing it :( But we decided to forget about it and neve tell Brooke. Good thing she's not reading my blog,she think it's for people who want to share their lives with others.....  I don't know... I think I love him♥

Can things get any worse?

I just found out that my dad could be dead. They called me (cops&docs) and said they found his body... so I have to go and confirm if that's my dad or not. I'm so freaked out and don't know what to do! So I called Brooke and she's coming over with Lucas.. oh she just came in,me and Lucas are going there and Brooke is gonna stay at my house in case someone calls. I'll keep you updated.

Happy couples...

I just got home from the cheerleading contest and we won! Yay. Brooke was super excited and she's with Lucas now to celebrate it cuz they won the basketball game too. We're all good friends now and Nathan is kinda getting along with Lucas since he actually really like Haley, and I'm the loner but what can you do right?

 OH yea, Haley stepped in.. (Brookes idea

B.Davis and Luke...
They're actually cute together.
I saw Lucas the other day...

Gotta love life sometimes...

Hey guys! So I told you about the break-up with me and Nathan... but to be honest we're good now, we didn't get back together but we are still good friends. But Lucas decided to send my artwork (the ones I threw in the trash) to Thud-magazine. They are gonna publish it and now they want me to draw something different well I'm not gonna do that cuz I draw whatever I want so that was the last time I ever sent my artwork to them! And Lucas next time you go through my art again you're gonna have to deal with me :) Oh and haha Lucas found out that Haley is going out with Nathan, way to go tutor girl! And FYI there's gonna be a cheerleading competition and as usual Brooke has to win it so yeah we're gonna go cheer.. yay.