onsdag 3 september 2014

High school is hell

Let me start off by saying, I'm sorry. I know I have not been here for quite a while but I was supposed to get a new laptop but instead I'm spending my money on something else. 

On another note, school is in session again and I'm not too happy about it. Actually, I'm not happy about it at all. I keep telling myself that I'm only going to be stuck here for 3 more years. Three frickin' years. 

But I don't know what else to write, not much has been going on actually. Although, I feel like my depression is getting worse and my social anxiety is just a complete and utter mess. I'm actually surprised I've managed to stay alive for this long. 

Also I met someone, who lives miles away from me and I'm kind of sad about it. And even though he's told me he loves me, I still have my doubts. There is also a 9 year difference between us but that doesn't really matter to either of us except it sometimes gets in the way of certain things. 

Anyways, let me wrap this up real quick. I have one more class left and then later on I'm grabbing a bite. Also how fast has this year gone?! It's September already. Crazy insane. Before we know it, we'll be celebrating Easter, wow. 

But... Have a continued good day/night/evening! Love you lots and lots.  I shall leave you with this exquisite picture of the always lovely and amazing, Sophia Bush. 


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