tisdag 31 december 2013

New year, new me?

Take down all your christmas decorations, folks!

Only 2 more hours before ringing in the new year and welcoming 2014. Haven't planned anything special, just been having some cozy self time and watching lots of tv shows. As many of you, I also have some new years resolutions, I have of course failed at some of them but that is another story to be told another day. I also want to apologize for not updating in a very long time. I have had a rather good christmas and I hope all of you had a good one too. But I would also like to add that I will be starting the new year with an ear infection, yay.. That's what I get for not listening to dear mother.

I also just found out that a very favourite cd story of mine closed a very long time ago, 3 years to be precise, well soon 4 years. I think it's a shame that so many cd stores close down because these days people just buy their music online so the whole experience, grabbing a fresh new cd at your local store has just disappeared. And it is really hard to even locate a proper cd store as there aren't many left. It's a real shame.

However, I do hope the new year will be great, I don't have any high expectations as I do not believe in getting your hopes up because every time I do, the next bad thing happens.

Surprisingly there also hasn't been any snow this year.. which can only mean one thing, big snowstorm headed our way in mid January or so and stays until beginning of April. That is, if I'm right of course. Could always be wrong. Let's hope I am.

Anyway, I just once again wanted to pop in to say hello and scribble some words for you and also recommend a very, very good song that has been playing non stop for me.

Now I hope you can see/hear this video, if not then just search for The Civil Wars on YouTube and listen to their song Poison and Wine. Good one.

Love always.

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