fredag 29 mars 2013

Kind of back

Hello! I decided I wanted to kind of rant a little bit and get some anger out of my system. The thing is, I'm really sick, I caught the flu (boo) and I'm completely tortured. My back hurts, as well as my neck and my nose is really pissing me off and my eyes are all puffy and swollen. Basically I'm in misery street.

Now onto another note, I have just now finally figured out that absolutely no one likes me. Not even anyone in school. When I talk to this certain person who I thought was the only person who liked me, I feel that they're being distant and really doesn't want anything to do with me. I just get really sad and when I get sad I get depressed and when I get depressed I go completely all out and start crying behind my locked bedroom door. It's quite sad, really. And the only thing that can ever cheer me up after a breakdown, is music. Yes. But I should probably go listen to some tunes now before I get tooooo personal, have a good night/morning/evening/afternoon :)

lördag 16 mars 2013


I'm taking a break from the blogging. I need to recollect my thoughts and I've kind of lost myself again so I'm on the hunt for me. I feel like I'm falling into a black hole straight to hell. There is something else going on, something I just really can't share and its completely ruining me.

I'll be back in a couple of months hopefully. Love you.

torsdag 7 mars 2013

Bad morning

Hello! I had a terrible start to the day.. My train was delayed so I had to wait 21 minutes for it to show up and on top of that I've got a bad headache and my eyes have this strange pain going on so I'm skipping my first class and I'm going back to my bad habits by hiding from my teacher. I feel so awful ugh! Today is not going to be good.

onsdag 6 mars 2013

Riding riding..

Good morning sunshines. Currently sat in the train, headed for school :/ the only thing on my mind is all the assignments I have left, it's messing with my head. And yes of course I'm listening to my favorite tunes :)

tisdag 5 mars 2013

Give me a break

I'm so angry and so upset. I just want some things to go back to what they were. I keep thinking a lot lately it's so annoying. I'm losing my focus and my energy and I just feel like the world has given up on me. I want things to be simpler. I know it can't be but I want it to. Sorry, I'm having one of those deep thoughts nights.

måndag 4 mars 2013


One more thing, I just went through my old posts and I just gotta say wow! I've had this blog for almost four years! How crazy is that?! Surreal. It feels kind of bitter sweet though, I just want to rewind and go back to like 2008-ish because those days were great and people were much kinder then what they are now. It's sad but its life.

Nightly thoughts

As I'm getting ready for bed, I think about everything wrong in my life as usual. I have all these unfinished assignments to do and now yet another one due on Friday, I mean its just crazy and incredibly stressful. I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm really failing at life and my duty as a human being. As of now, the only thing keeping me going is the MUSIC. Thank god for that. I'm going to at least try and get some sleep now, goodnight!


I have so many assignments to do. Incredibly frustrating :/

söndag 3 mars 2013


I shouldn't be up this early.

Frustration at its highest

So I know I haven't really been updating at all basically but I just wrote a post and its gone with the wind so I can't find it. Don't really know why it disappeared on me but its a new year and its damn march already?! Crazy crazy. Anyways, quick roundup, I'm in lovely England studying and doing what kids my age do. I miss my friends back home who will probably read this since they get notifications sent to their phones. But of course there are time differences and I need to get some sleep. Goodnight world.