söndag 8 september 2013

Brief hello

I changed my blog design, it's the first one I ever had and its kind of plain but I like it. 

So I was thinking I'd hold back on the blogging for a while until I (hopefully) get myself a new laptop and I'll start doing video blogs then too but not for public appearance.. It will be on my personal personal blog. Yes I am aware of the double use of 'personal'. 

And hey, it's already September?! Crazy. To think that it's Christmas in almost three months is insane. I am also excited about thanksgiving and Halloween.. My favourite month is definitely October. 

So as usual, I'm lying on my bed and just thinking horrible thoughts about myself and that's become very normal lately. I'm starting on my book next year but I will not have it published anywhere as it is only for me to read.. And now that I've typed that I realise how selfish it sounds but I'm kind I new at this whole writing thing. Kind of new. 

I'm also very very sleepy right now so excuse my writing errors as well as my sentence errors. It is 10.40 and I have to be up at 6 tomorrow so I better crash and get some sleep because if I stay up any longer I know I will regret it so, goodnight web.

( I thought I'd thrown in a picture since I haven't for a while) 

Basically this is young me.. Feel like I've changed so much, don't ya think?!
